Back when no one knew about this baby but us and God, I sent Jonathan an email about our then poppy seed-sized baby:
poppy seed officially counts as an em**** now. already. My, how time flies.{I wrote "em****" because I was trying to be secretive just in case anyone caught a glimpse of the email.}
Jonathan's reply made me almost panic:
It's a good thing you can't take it out and put it on the mantle or some other place in the house. That thing's tiny.In this house, things are very frequently lost or misplaced. I forget my safe places, the places I think "oh, I'll remember I put it here." Nope. I never remember. I'm a little surprised we haven't lost one of our children. It's a good thing they're all pretty loud.
So, for a while the little one was lovingly called poppy seed and then sesame seed. A peach now? Fingerprints already? I'm already feeling this little peach bump around from time to time, and I'm loving every minute of it, especially as a distraction from the nausea.
In five weeks we'll have our ultrasound. I think this time, more than ever, it will be nerve-wracking for me to wait and hope and pray that all is ok. I can't explain why that is because my faith is stronger than during my earlier pregnancies. Maybe it's because I've learned to a fuller extent that God's ways are not my ways, but that they are always right and sovereign. Add to that that we are considering not finding out the baby's gender. Not sure if I'm that patient, but we are both very intrigued by the idea of not knowing until the birth. Time will tell if we actually do it. It's interesting how opinionated people are about us even considering it. If only they knew that may make us more prone to wait...
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart..." Jeremiah 1:5