Wednesday, October 29, 2008

toilet troubles, asthma returns, my mom is leaving...

tomorrow to help my brother and his family move. And now you know why I have not been around here in the last several days. It's not enough that bathroom no. 1 is now without a shower, thus without a wall, and is pretty much unusable (as are the washer and dryer sitting in my kitchen due to the aforementioned trouble). No, let us see what else can go wrong. Enter bathroom no. 2. Leaky toilet. Quick fix!? No! Old house. They don't attach toilets to houses like this anymore. Waiting. At Mom's. The plumber has been alerted.

Next reenter Elijah's good old buddy - mild asthma. About 18 months ago, Dr. T declared Elijah's asthma "outgrown" (at least I thought that's what he said). Well, it's back. When you run a block and then cough wildly for 10 to 15 minutes or better yet, you vomit because you are coughing so severely, then I'd say you have a problem. So, two trips to the pediatrician, one weekend of Albuterol, a new Flovent prescription, 3 days of oral steroid, and an appointment for the flu shot (now, that will be fun!) later - a rediagnosis with mild asthma.

Sometimes I feel like saying (like Joey the kangaroo in a scholastic video we have) - "I have runned away!" But I won't. Don't worry. I'll stay put. I may feel crazy, old, tired, used up, and like I want to cry. But I'm not going anywhere. I did ask Jonathan for a vacation for an upcoming occasion, but then remembered I'd be getting my toilet reinstalled instead...


Rebecca said...

One day you might look back at all of this and laugh. That may be a looooong time from now, but here's hoping! I will be thinking of you and your potty problem :)

tamblair said...

So sorry, Kristin. When it rains, it pours! I will be thinking about your little man - we do the pulmacort thing every night and albuterol only when needed. I know the cough all too well around my house!! They will get him fixed up again, and it won't slow him down a bit. Good luck with the toilets.

Katie said...

I know a place where you can vacation ...and it won't cost you anything :)