Thursday, June 4, 2009

He is before all things

Isn't it wonderful that nothing, nothing at all, is a surprise to God? I came across this verse again tonight, and decided to add it to my memory verse list. It is wonderfully comforting to me.

He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. Colossians 1:17

Did you get that? He is before all things. He was here before all things and He goes before all things and He stands before all things. Know what else? He overcomes before all things. As hard as this life is. As confused as I may become. As scared. As worried. As sad. He is before it all, and knows what I'm about to endure. But if I let Him, He'll hold me together in the meantime. He'll hold me together. He'll hold you together. He holds all things together. Oh, I just fell in love with Him. Again.

I love the place He has brought me to. I'm touching the edge of His garment, and I feel the power of His healing coming over me. I know where He is leading me and I can hear Him if I'm still enough to listen. He has me wanting more. More of Him. More of His Word. More of His leading. More of His voice. More of the comfort of knowing. Knowing in my heart that He is my Father. That I am His daughter. That He loves me. That He will engage with me. That He sings over me. That He wants me to sing to Him. I'm praying that I'm just stepping into this new level of love with Him. That I've just barely gotten a taste, because I want so much more. Sounds a little selfish, doesn't it? I don't think He minds, just in this instance, if His little girl acts a bit selfish.
Psalm 27:14 says that we are to "wait for and hope for and expect the Lord." (Amplified), so surely it's just fine for me to wait for and hope for and expect MORE of Him.

He has rocked my little world in the past year. With wonderful new friendships, deepening old friendships, praising Him in new ways, calling me to teach my Elijah at home. A year ago, had you told me "hey, soon you'll be praising God... on stage... with the praise team... " I would have thought you were crazy. And if you had told me even six months ago, "and also, just so you know, when Elijah's in first grade you'll begin the journey of homeschooling your children." Well, I would've thought you to be certifiably insane. But God knew all of this. Long ago. Nothing surprises Him. And I know, I feel, that when we follow Him down a path that seems difficult we can "wait for and hope for and expect the Lord" and He will "lift [us] up in due time" (I Peter 5:5).

He waits to bless us and wants to bless us. You know what He really wants, though? Us. You and me. To love Him. To listen to Him. To follow Him. To believe Him. To believe His Son.

He has definitely taken me out of my little box lately, but I am so excited that He has. I would've missed out on so much had I gone with my plans instead of His. I can't wait to see all that He has planned for the days to come. And I love that He already knows. He knows what's next. And after that. And how it ends. Oh, wow. I just love Him.


Katie said...

Blown away, once again, by the love and sincerity behind your posts. Thanks so much for sharing this encouraging verse!

Unknown said...

Are you participating in 360? Do you just love it? Our church is like that, but we have musicians as well. I love it.

Lisa said...

Hey Kristin, as always, your wisdom encourages and challenges me. I SO needed this message and that verse today.

By the way, Carrie and David are moving to Atlanta in July! David's transferring w/his job (and Carrie is probably going to be able to keep her job as well and work from home). It will be great to have them much closer.

Stacey Cannon said...

Kristin, my friend is really struggling right now, and this post came to mind when she posted a prayer request on facebook. I hope you don't mind, but I'm sending her a link to this blog...I think it will help encourage her through this tough time in her family's life. Thank you for your wisdom...for your insight...and for being a spiritual role model for all those who know you - even from a distance.