Wednesday, November 28, 2007
The cutest little santas ever...
Click on this link to see the cutest little Santa hat wearers ever. Anita played around with our combination of kiddos yesterday and, as always, the pictures turned out way too precious. Some of the credit is because our kids (hers and mine) are beautiful, but most of the credit goes to her beautiful photography.
Monday, November 26, 2007
"But I don't want to lose my tooth!"

On the way home from church last night, Eli suddenly started crying and told us he had a loose tooth. It was the first we had heard of it, so I was expecting a barely wiggling tooth. It turned out to be a totally wiggling tooth. So we calmed him down and talked about the tooth fairy and how he eventually does need to lose his baby teeth because he'd look silly one day as a grown man with teeny tiny teeth. Evidently our talk worked because this morning at school he proudly showed EVERYONE his very loose tooth. When I picked him up from school, he proudly showed me where his tooth had fallen out. Is it silly that this makes me sad? First of all, I wasn't anticipating that it would happen yet. But also, I remember like it was yesterday that first little tooth popping up and how huge that was to me. Now that I think about it, I remember being a little sad that he was getting a tooth. Every little thing that changes him makes me realize that he just keeps growing up and that I can't do a thing about it but watch and pray. Next week he will turn five and I can hardly believe it. Five seems big to me. My first little love isn't so little anymore.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
We had a great Thanksgiving Day at Jonathan 's parents house. Our great friends Rob, Anita, Ian and Lily joined us. Check out this link to Anita's blog for a few photos. Check here to see that Elijah was also there! (Very cute picture of my sweet, big boy!) We had a big crowd and the kids had so much fun together. Tomorrow is a big shopping day for Ella and me, along with my mom and aunt, and we will also celebrate my sister-in-law, Allison's birthday tomorrow at lunch. I'm up so late because I just finished sewing her gift. Now I will go to bed. Happy black Friday.
Monday, November 19, 2007
"I can just see part of God...
because just his right leg lives in our house." Eli said this after he had asked me "if there is only one God then how can he be everywhere at once?" We talked about God's power and strength and how he just IS everywhere. Last, he said he's glad God and Jesus can't get lost. Me, too.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
2 little indian boys

So, here comes Thanksgiving and the countdown to Christmas. We are excited that our friends Rob, Anita, Ian and Lily will be with us on Thursday with Jonathan's family. My aunt will be up visiting my mom and we'll have a big shopping day Friday! We will also celebrate my sister-in-law, Allison's birthday with a girls' lunch on Friday. I really enjoy Thanksgiving and Christmas, and barring the shopping and money flying out the windows that the season brings, I'm really happy that we've come to the holidays again.
Saturday, November 17, 2007

Thursday, November 15, 2007
Happy Birthday, Kevin...
I thought you could use just one more round of singing while it's still your birthday. Enjoy. I love you! And I'm glad you're my brother even after all these years of you giving me a hard time. Seriously, thanks for loving me and "helping to raise" me as you say. There's a lot I might not have made it through without you.
Friday, November 9, 2007
My grandmother "blossomed" this morning
Dorothy Nell (MawMaw) "blossomed" earlier today. An excerpt from Max Lucado's Traveling Light explains it like this:
God led me right to this exact page when I picked up this book a little while ago. He is so faithful to give me words when I am at a loss for them. On Sunday I had the honor of telling my grandmother that her first born, my dad, has been waiting for her in heaven. See, she's been sick for a while and when Dad tried to visit her one last time before he died, she didn't recognize him for all the weight he had lost. She had not known and understood that he had died before her. I thought she needed to know. I thought it might help her to let go. So Sunday, I looked into eyes that so strongly resembled my dad's eyes and I told her that her son was waiting and wanting for her to come. I told her that he would wrap his big arms around her for a hug and that his cheeks would be huge from the smile on his face. She looked into my eyes intently and made several quiet noises and at one point she even tried to lean a little toward me and make a longer, louder noise. She understood. I could tell by the look in her eyes. How horribly sad to lose a child, but how joyous for him to greet you when you make it home. I know they are very happy together now. As I looked down upon the face of my grandmother last night, and whispered a last little whisper, I thought about what a beautiful moment she had come to. Just a little bit longer. Almost there. For just a few more hours. And then home with my father and our Father and so many that love her. How beautiful. She blossomed.
Aging is God's idea. It's one of the ways he keeps us headed homeward. What if we looked at the aging body as we look at the growth of a tulip? Do you ever see anyone mourning over the passing of a tulip bulb? Do gardeners weep as the bulb begins to weaken? Of course not. We don't mourn the passing of the bulb; we celebrate it. Tulip lovers rejoice the minute the bulb weakens. "Watch that one," they say. "It's about to blossom."
Could it be heaven does the same? The angels point to our bodies. The more frail we become the more excited they become."Watch that lady in the hospital," they say. "She's about to blossom."
These bodies are weak. They began decaying the minute we began breathing. And, according to God, that's a part of the plan. Every wrinkle and every needle take us one step closer to the last step when Jesus will change our simple bodies into forever bodies. No pain. No depression. No sickness. No end.
This is not our forever house. It will serve for the time being. But there is nothing like the moment we enter his door. ..By that moment only one bag will remain. Not guilt. It was dropped at Calvary. Not the fear of death. It was dropped at the grave. The only lingering luggage will be this God-given longing for home. And when you see him, you'll set it'll drop your longing when you see your Father. Those you love will shout. Those you know will applaud. But all the noise will cease when he cups your chin and says, "Welcome home." And with scarred hand he'll wipe every tear from your eye. And you will dwell in the house of your Lord - forever.
Could it be heaven does the same? The angels point to our bodies. The more frail we become the more excited they become."Watch that lady in the hospital," they say. "She's about to blossom."
These bodies are weak. They began decaying the minute we began breathing. And, according to God, that's a part of the plan. Every wrinkle and every needle take us one step closer to the last step when Jesus will change our simple bodies into forever bodies. No pain. No depression. No sickness. No end.
This is not our forever house. It will serve for the time being. But there is nothing like the moment we enter his door. ..By that moment only one bag will remain. Not guilt. It was dropped at Calvary. Not the fear of death. It was dropped at the grave. The only lingering luggage will be this God-given longing for home. And when you see him, you'll set it'll drop your longing when you see your Father. Those you love will shout. Those you know will applaud. But all the noise will cease when he cups your chin and says, "Welcome home." And with scarred hand he'll wipe every tear from your eye. And you will dwell in the house of your Lord - forever.
God led me right to this exact page when I picked up this book a little while ago. He is so faithful to give me words when I am at a loss for them. On Sunday I had the honor of telling my grandmother that her first born, my dad, has been waiting for her in heaven. See, she's been sick for a while and when Dad tried to visit her one last time before he died, she didn't recognize him for all the weight he had lost. She had not known and understood that he had died before her. I thought she needed to know. I thought it might help her to let go. So Sunday, I looked into eyes that so strongly resembled my dad's eyes and I told her that her son was waiting and wanting for her to come. I told her that he would wrap his big arms around her for a hug and that his cheeks would be huge from the smile on his face. She looked into my eyes intently and made several quiet noises and at one point she even tried to lean a little toward me and make a longer, louder noise. She understood. I could tell by the look in her eyes. How horribly sad to lose a child, but how joyous for him to greet you when you make it home. I know they are very happy together now. As I looked down upon the face of my grandmother last night, and whispered a last little whisper, I thought about what a beautiful moment she had come to. Just a little bit longer. Almost there. For just a few more hours. And then home with my father and our Father and so many that love her. How beautiful. She blossomed.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Two years ago...
my world changed. November 8, 2005 was the first time we were told of Dad's cancer. He'd been in the hospital for 4 days due to jaundice - first due to medications, then due to Hepatitis, then due to a very large ulcer (which was the idea I clung to), then finally (and actually) due to pancreatic cancer. I was taking pictures of Miles that morning as he was rolling over for the first time as my dad was having endoscopy and my mom was being told her husband had cancer. I started to get a bit concerned around lunch when I hadn't heard from Mom so I called. She only said she was coming right over to talk - I knew it was bad and called Jonathan crying. Mom told me and I sat with her as she called Kevin. She headed back to the hospital and as I waited for Jonathan to come home so I could go be with Dad, Kevin called me with the grim information he'd quickly found about pancreatic cancer online. We felt hopeless before we'd even begun. When I opened the door to Dad's hospital room, Mom was standing next to his bed and they were quietly talking. I remember the sweet look on his face as he looked up at her. I saw this and fell apart. I can still hear Dad saying, "Oh, baby..." as I left to cry by myself. I pray that I will never forget the way his voice sounded. This is a picture I took of Miles that day - I'll never be able to look at them without thinking about what happened after they were taken. This was the beginning of my learning that joy and pain will always exist together now.

Friday, November 2, 2007
My birthday

Thursday, November 1, 2007
A robot, a spiderman and a ballerina

Eli won the costume competition at Landmark's Trunk or Treat! Jonathan put 4 years of model making experience to good use in making this costume. Eli was so excited in spite of not being able to hear or walk very well.

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