Monday, December 31, 2007
War Eagle, again!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Happy Zoo Year!
"It might be Sampta..."
is what Miles said excitedly when he heard our doorbell ring on Christmas Eve morning. It was great to hear the anticipation in his voice as this year was the first time he sort of started to understand things. I had to explain many, MANY times that Santa would not come until everyone was sleeping. This was a bit challenging this year since, due to the broken nose incident, Miles had been in a big boy bed for one night . He only came out to the living room once before "Santa" started working. And, the nose is doing great. It looks like it is healing straight. This is the boys on Christmas morning before we left their room.
This is the "bike" Santa left for Miles. Unfortunately, his legs aren't quite long enough to pedal this one yet, but he's still very happy to have it.
This is Ella trying to feed her baby a piece of wrapping paper. What a good little mommy.
Santa even came through on the requested accordion for Eli. The Santa at the mall really tried to help me out of this one by saying that accordions are hard to find,but Eli told him to go get it at Cracker Barrel. Thanks for trying, Santa!
We had a great Christmas with our families. We hope yours was wonderful and full of happy memories.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Ella's first post

- I really enjoy making my oldest brother mad by turning the TV on and off while he's trying to watch it. He knows better than to hurt me over it, although he does yell at me...
- My other brother doesn't like for me to touch anything, even things that belong to me. This really gets on my nerves, but I still just have to get my hands on him and TRY to give him some love. Don't they say to kill them with kindness? I'm sure that's what I'm thinking.
- One of my favorite toys currently is a huge dump truck at my gammie's house. The truck bed goes up and down and makes loud noises at the touch of a button. Very cool.
- Miles told me that Sampta is coming to our house soon...
- This must be the guy Momma said is bringing my very first baby doll. The one she bought right in front of me the day after Thanksgiving. I loved it and couldn't keep my hands off of it. Then she paid for it and put it away for this Sampta to bring... what does she take me for? A ten month old?
- I am the daughter that my Momma always wanted and prayed for... and yes, she absolutely adores my big brothers and thinks little boys are so great. She's blessed to have the chance to experience boys and a girl - that's what she really always wanted - BOTH!
- I happened to show up at the perfect time, in God's timing, to bless my family after the loss of my Poppa. My momma thought the last thing she needed after losing her dad was another baby - but, as it ends up, I'm exactly what she needed. She is learning through me to wait and trust. And trust some more.
- I hate to wear my shoes. I have more shoes than Momma because she seems to be addicted to cute little shoes. And they are very cute, I just don't want them on my feet. At the first chance I have I remove them and my socks, too. Momma doesn't like this. She fusses at me and then I fuss back as she puts my socks and shoes back on. Is this the way it's going to be?
Poor Miles...
has obviously been subjected to incompetent parenting. On Friday, he finally decided to climb out of his crib. There was no crash, no injury, just a little bitty guy opening his door after nap to declare "I'm awake!" Later we saw how he gracefully and carefully climbed out while trying to get the boys to bed for the night. Sunday morning was a different story. I was in the bathroom getting ready for church when I heard a crash, then screaming. Jonathan got to Miles first who was in such pain he had the "I'm crying but I can't breathe so you can't hear it all yet" cry going on. His nose immediately began to swell and bleed slightly. I thought I might throw up. We stared at him and tried to comfort him as we went through the "is it broken? surely it's not broken. I think it maight be broken..." kind of conversation. I put in a call to the on-call doctor, who ofcourse happened to be my least favorite of the bunch. He told me that if he seemed well other than the pain and swelling around the nose, to try to ice it (that really worked great, by the way) and give it 24 hours. Then he said, "If a child is able to climb out of their crib, they no longer need to be in a crib." Really? Look, I called to get your opinion on the nose. The NOSE! The one that's likely broken. How about helping me with that and not taking this particular moment to comment on my decision to let him sleep in the crib. Can you tell he made me angry? So, back to Milesy... at church we had a nurse take a look at him and she immediately said, "Yep, it's broken. But there's nothing you can do about it." She told me to give him Tylenol regularly for 48 hours, to expect two black eyes just in time for Christmas and that there was no point in taking him to see a doctor because they'd do nothing unless he's having breathing troubles. He's not. The swelling went down a good bit as the day went on, and when we put him to bed tonight, in the crib with the side rail totally removed and pillows covering the floor next to him, he said his nose felt "bery better" and "I not hurting." One of his eyes is turning very bruised underneath. Poor guy. Thank God it wasn't worse. The last thing he talked about tonight was "Sampta" bringing him a truck. Luckily Sampta is delivering on this request.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Merry Christmas!
Eli the Innkeeper
Different but better
On Christmas night, 2 years ago, my dad said goodbye to us without actually saying goodbye. He told us that he loved us, that that day had been his best Christmas ever, and that "next Christmas will be better, different, but better." We all knew what he was saying, but each in our own way sort of denied it and held tight to our desire and hope for him to still be with us the next Christmas. Last Christmas was indeed different. My brother and his family, my family, my aunt and Mom escaped to Callaway Gardens for Christmas Eve and Christmas night. I think it helped us to be away. There was a huge Dad-shaped void, but sweetly next to that void was my new 2-month old nephew. And sweetly, we were anticipating the birth of the family's first girl in my little boo. And yes, in a way, last Christmas was better because Dad was not suffering through it but was celebrating with Jesus. This Christmas, we will try and resume a "normal" Christmas routine. We will be at home. The Dad-shaped void will remain, as it does daily. But we will feel him urging us to enjoy our day, soak up the sweet time with our children, and surround our mom with love. Will do, Dad. Merry Christmas!
Baby, it's cold outside...somewhere

Sunday, December 16, 2007
40 years ago today...

Looking back on the memory of
The dance we shared 'neath the stars alone
For a moment all the world was right
How could I have known that you'd ever say goodbye
And now I'm glad I didn't know
The way it all would end the way it all would go
Our lives are better left to chance I could have missed the pain
But I'd of had to miss the dance
Holding you I held everything
For a moment wasn't I a king
But if I'd only known how the king would fall
Hey who's to say you know I might have chanced it all
And now I'm glad I didn't know
The way it all would end the way it all would go
Our lives are better left to chance I could have missed the pain
But I'd of had to miss the dance
Yes my life is better left to chance
I could have missed the pain but I'd of had to miss the dance
Friday, December 14, 2007
Happy Birthday to Gammie!

It's not fair!
I had a small breakdown earlier today. I was reading a few other blog posts that were about loss and I had a big, loud, good cry. Every now and then I just need one. The boys were at school and Ella was sleeping, so for a few minutes I just let it go. It felt ridiculous and wonderful at the same time. To let myself have a few moments like that turned out to be nice. It is interesting how many people have commented on my supposed strength since my dad died and during his illness. While I know I have been made stronger through it all and that God gives us strength in hard times, a good bit of the time I feel like a wounded and scared little girl who wants nothing more than to be held by her Dad again. I just crave the sight of him and the feel of those big arms around me. I long to hear his voice. It is still on my mom's voice mail. We just can't erase it. People also think my mom is doing "great." Sure, she's also been made strong and has received new mercies, but no one sees her when she cries by herself because she wakes up to an empty bed. It's not fair that she will celebrate her 40th wedding anniversary in two days without her husband. It's not fair that I can't have my annual Christmas shopping and movie day with my dad. It's not fair that only Kell and Eli will have memories of my dad - three year old ones at that. It's not fair that 4 of Dad's grandchildren will only know what they are told of their Poppa. It's not fair that I just recently deleted my dad's email address from my list of contacts; I just couldn't do it for the longest time. It's also not fair that I was on the phone with an 18 year old college freshman today who suddenly lost her Mom a couple of months ago. It's not fair that a little 4 year old girl died 2 weeks ago due to a non-cancerous brain tumor. It's not fair that my friend Gina is going through such a mess with her dad. It's not fair that my friend Melissa is struggling so hard for and wanting so badly to be pregnant. It's not fair that I know of an 11 year old girl who will not have her dad this Christmas - he died a few months ago. Sometimes I just want to throw my hands in the air and scream. But I have to hold on to the promises of God. I MUST trust that what he says he will do, he will do. I've learned that many of his promises to us will be granted to us when we are with him. We are not promised a fair life, a good life, an easy life. We are not promised tomorrow for ourselves or for anyone that we love. We are promised that he will never leave us. We are promised that he will not stop his good work in us until it is completed, which I imagine is when we are with him. We are promised rest for the weary and blessings on those who mourn. We are promised that he- God himself- will wipe every tear from our eyes. That the scorching sun will never been down upon our backs. That we will walk and not grow weary, run and not grow faint. So, although it's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair(!), there will come a day when all of this will pass away. We will be reunited with those we love and crave to see and hold. We will be comforted by the Father of Lights. I just can't wait.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
O Christmas Tree...

We pumped it up!

Sunday, December 2, 2007
My Eli is 5 today!

"Young boys should never be sent to bed, they always wake up another day older."
-- Author:Johnnie Depp as JM Barrie, from the movie Finding Neverland
If I didn't require tons of sleep myself, I might be willing to try this idea for awhile if it could actually keep my E from growing so quickly. As I put him to bed last night I realized that the next time I see him he'll be five. It happened at 4:49 am. He looks tall and slim-faced and not at all like a baby anymore. Didn't we just bring him home from the hospital? Wasn't it just yesterday that he took his first step or spoke his first word? He is five today. Five. All he wants to talk about is what spells what or how he'll soon go to kindergarten. Thankfully, he still loves to sit in my lap. He loves to cuddle. He likes for me to read to him. He asks me to sing to him each night after prayers. He usually wants to hear "Come Away With Me" by Norah Jones. I used to sing this to him when he was tiny and recently started singing it again. Because of this song, he frequently tells me he will never stop loving me. It is precious to hear him say this. All at once I am so proud that we've come so far and we've "made it" to five and I am saddened by how fast it has happened and wish I could go back for a short time to my baby Eli.
Courage is fear that has said it's Prayers...
-- Author:unknown
I hope I always remember that every night Eli prays that God "will not let him have bad dreams, but good dreams about big cheese." We still aren't sure what a big cheese dream is, but this has been his prayer for some time. The other night he added for Ella to have dreams about baby dolls and Miles to dream about tractors. So sweet.
Listen, my son, accept what I say, and the years of your life will be many. I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hampered; when you run, you will not stumble.
Proverbs 4: 10-12
This is my prayer for Elijah on his birthday.
We'll be off shortly for his birthday party at Pump It Up. I'll post pictures later.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
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