have kept me away from blogging in a while. I really missed having computer capabilities and several blog-worthy things have taken place in the meantime. We went to the fair and invited Milesy along for his first time. He fell in love with the experience and keeps asking when we can go back. Unfortunately it was a little rainy that night, so we only had our camera phones. We just joined the rank of the rest of the world (being the people who already had camera phones), so when we figure out how to email fair photos to ourselves I'll share them. The boys had a blast together.

Elijah wore candy corn socks for Silly Sock Day at school - they studied the letter S that week.
Unfortunately (
for me), Miles just
had to wear silly socks to the Y and to his school also.
Next, to make a long story short, the kids and I stayed at my mom's last weekend due to Jonathan discovering that what we thought was a washing machine problem was a leaky shower problem. We got out of his hair as he pulled down wet sheet rock and pulled out a shower stall. I guess now we'll be
forced to do that bathroom renovation we'd been planning.
When it was time for dinner last Saturday at Mom's I called upstairs several times for the boys to come down. Finally I went up to get them. They had been smart enough to lock the bathroom door, but not to actually shut the door the whole way. I found Elijah watching and laughing as Miles was pouring (and evidently
had been pouring for quite a while) bubble bath into the sink. They both got into trouble and I explained to Elijah that encouraging someone to do wrong is the same as doing wrong yourself. He apologized and promised that he and Miles would pray about it alone later.
Whatever, I thought. So, when it was time I tucked them in and we said prayers. I had forgotten about his promise to pray with Miles, but when I walked out I heard something like this: "God I'm sorry that I was foolish, and foolish means... I'm sorry I told Miles to do the wrong thing and that we both disobeyed you." He didn't know I was standing in the hall listening. I couldn't hear his definition of foolish, although I'm sure it was dead on. I walked away feeling so grateful. It reminds me of a Sara Groves song that says "...He loves the boy and He'll love the man..." and I pray that Elijah will always surrender to the tug at his heart that is his Father.
The next night as the kids and I were headed home from life group, Miles asked me from out of the blue "is Jesus our healer?" and then "is Dad our healer, too?" When I explained that although daddy is strong, he can't heal and prays for Jesus to heal Miles said that his dad "needed a few more powers."
A few days ago Elijah's school held their annual Family Fall Fest. I had signed up to help with the set up and after finding out, Elijah talked me into coming to lunch with him. We had a sweet little visit and I loved being up at the school. I'm about to start helping Ms. Jackson with AR testing on Wednesday mornings in Elijah's class. Hopefully he can handle my presence there without getting crazy...

Elijah at Fall Fest. He first wanted a red elephant on his face. Now, he "goes for Auburn," but unfortunately, elephants are his favorite animal and red his favorite color. I breathed a quiet sigh of relief when he decided on an upper case E on one side and a lowercase one on the other.

After a recent and unfortunate blowing up of a latex glove like a balloon at preschool, Ella has become
even more terrified of anything inflatable. Now, she has no problem with already inflated balloons, but the little inflatable Sponge Bob Elijah got at the fair gives her the creeps. So when Jonathan and my mom showed up at the Fall Fest, Ella turned into a frantically shrieking puddle as soon as she set eyes on the ten or so huge inflatables. The inflatables
that she was no where near. I had held Elijah off from them while I worked his class booth, so he and Miles were ready to get at them. Mom and I were left to handle a mad little Ella. For about ten or fifteen minutes she cried and cried. She tried not to look in the direction of the inflated beasts, but every now and then she just couldn't help it, and she'd become more upset. Luckily, a little melting and messy orange and chocolate cookie we found at the bake sale made things pretty tolerable. Then she'd just point in the direction of the
evil that is inflatables and mutter something indignantly. Pure and simple, she hates them, but for a cookie she decided she could be in their presence.

The boys had a great time and Ella ended up having fun on the play ground, all the while thinking she's every bit as big as all the others. Elijah had so much fun he didn't want to leave. Jonathan and the boys ran into Ms. Jackson over at the inflatables and Elijah said to her, "thank you for my green apple today" to which she replied "baby, I didn't give you that green apple, you earned it." I
love her. She was a bit scary at first, but I knew I'd see God's plan in answering my "give him the teacher he needs" prayers. She is it, and the more I get to know her the more I believe it. I'm excited about being able to help out in the classroom soon.
I'll leave you with a picture of one of the inflatables from Fall Fest. Scary, huh? I hope you don't have nightmares. I'm glad Ella doesn't read my blog - I'm sure she'd leave a really hateful and ugly comment.