Thursday, September 13, 2007

The face of cooperation!

It took me a little while to hone in on what Miles was saying as he was going about the house this morning. A blanket was wrapped around his shoulders and he was carrying a step stool to various places - trying to reach what he's not supposed to reach. I thought I must be mistaken when I heard him say, "I wanna copwate, Momma." But then he said it several more times. See, I've been telling him A LOT lately that I need him to cooperate. I'm not sure what wrongful step stool action while draped in a blanket have to do with cooperation, but I found it sweet and funny that he was talking about it. And did he cooperate today? Well, shortly after this picture was taken he knocked over his newly sitting up little sister because she dared touch him on the arm. So he was not exactly in cooperation mode most of the day. He is in the full-fledged twos now. Maybe, just maybe, he'll "copwate" in about 20 years...


Mom of 4 Maniacs said...

Copwate-ion is overrated anyway.

Unknown said...

That's so cute. Eek though, it just hit me that you have a baby and a two year old. AHHHHH!!! Yesterday when I picked the boys up from Larry's parents, Shey said he got "freakin' wet." I asked him where he learned that word and Peyton proudly said, "I taught him!" Greeeattt!