Tomorrow I am leaving behind my precious husband and children for two days and a night. I'm going to Deeper Still in Atlanta with my mother-in-law and sisters. We are so excited for the chance to get away, spend time together and with the Lord (and an arena full of His daughters). I'm going to get dusted off...
From the Deeper Still blog:
Woo hoo! Deeper Still is almost here. I can't wait! This weekend is going to be over-the-top great.
The band and I have been waiting (not-so-patiently) for this special weekend. We even had a rehearsal. That's a big deal, people. We have been learning some new tunes and brushing up on some older ones (see Psalm 134:2).
Yep...we have been getting our music ready. But we have also been getting our hearts and minds prepared for whatever it is the Lord has for us to learn and experience this weekend. The Lord brought to mind a funny story that Julie, a member of the praise team, told us recently...
Julie and her husband wanted to get their kids a Wii game system for Christmas. The problem was they waited until the last minute to find one. So, they were two of the crazies who slept outside Target on Thanksgiving night so they could be one of the first to secure a Wii on Friday morning.
Well, they were successful. And you didn't even need to know that part of the story. I just love to tell it. I love to expose the crazies.
Anyway, 2 or 3 months into the new year, I asked Julie how their family was enjoying the Wii. She said that she was going to have to send it in to the manufacturer, because the controls weren't working. Bummer, I thought to myself. Actually, I didn't just think it. I said
it. Bummer.
OK...so fast forward a couple of months after that. I asked Julie if she got their Wii back, and if it was fixed. She immediately got a sheepish look on her face, and ashamedly responded, "Uh...um...I didn't have to send it. The remote sensor was just dusty. Once I
cleaned it, it worked fine."
(My apologies to Julie for exposing her dusty Wii sensor.)
Hmmm...I thought to myself. I really just thought it this time. I didn't say it.
It made me think...
I don't know what all you have weighing on you this week. Maybe you come with heavy burdens...and you are desperate for immediate answers from the Lord about a specific hurt, or problem, or do-or-die situation. Or maybe you come full of joy because in this season of your life you are on the mountaintop. Or maybe you are like Julie's Wii game...and your spirit needs a good dusting off...a refreshing new move of the Spirit of God in your life...a new Word for this new day.
Whatever season you are in...I have a feeling that all of our "sensors" could use a dusting. And I pray that we all will come ready to receive it. If you are hurting...come with your wounds exposed, and let His grace cover you...heal you. If you are celebrating, bring your joy to Him, and let His love complete you. And if you are feeling dull, stale, in need of a fresh Word, let His perfect Spirit restore you.
Because we weren't made to watch this game of life go by with a half-engaged heart. We were meant to play it...live it...love it! And thanks to Jesus, this good life is there for the taking.
And we don't even have to wait in line all night at Target to get it.
Come ready to engage your heart fully...He is ready for you. And we will be, too...see you in Atlanta...THIS WEEK!
TravisThen on Sunday my mom and the kiddos and I are starting out on a road trip to visit my brother and his family in Michigan. We are splitting the 12 hour trip into 2 days. The Lord bless us and keep us...

for 12 hours, 3 kids, 2 DVD screens, and who knows how many potty breaks.